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The 'www.derekgedney.com' website is the official 'personal' website of Derek 'SacredLife' Gedney. It was originally created to promote and highlight the many works of 'art' (be it poetry, music, videos, graphics, charts or artwork) that I've created over the years. It has since turned into a place that houses many area's of various subjects and topics, such as Quantum Physics and Frequency Science to name a few. Therefore, some of the content and ideas found on this website is not my own intellectual property, but I have sourced all such information to the best of my ability. I am making this content available solely to provoke critical thought, peace and awareness. All content found on this website is for personal use only (unless otherwise noted).
The artwork, charts, music, videos, etc... created by Derek "SacredLife" Gedney may not be reproduced in any format without expressed written permission from Derek "SacredLife" Gedney. Reproduction, reposting and/or re-uploading said content without permission constitutes theft and fraud. Sharing of the original source of this content is encouraged, appreciated and necessary in order to maintain honorable continuity and fairness. In order to repost any of this content as "new content" without written permission, you MUST include the following information as is: "Artwork by: Derek "SacredLife" Gedney - www.derekgedney.com | http://sacredlife.bandcamp.com | http://www.futureproducer.net"
"I truly know the feeling it brings when someone snags your work and displays it without any credit or reference given... as if it is their own, it's not that it's disrespectful... it's dishonorable."
- Derek "SacredLife" Gedney
I hereby exclude all liability for any claim, loss, demands or damages of any kind whatsoever (whether such claims, loss, demands or damages were foreseeable, known or otherwise) arising out of or in connection with the use of this website or the information, content or materials included on this site, including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, in particular, all liability to the maximum extent allowed by law for any physical, emotional and mental consequences (whether adverse or otherwise) of viewing and/or using the content of this site.