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He was ten days late coming into this world. His parents hadn't chosen a name for him but once they did it was only a matter of hours until he'd let his presence be known. Born August 6th, 1971 in Mt Kisco, New York under the sign of Leo, the little lion was ready to roar. While he was growing up with his younger sister Erin in Bedford Hills, NY their life was normal. They had many friends, bumps, bruises, laughs and tears. And of course music was a constant in the house. When he was a baby in his crib, his parents would have to play Paul McCartney's "Raur" album on the stereo before he would go to sleep. We're sorry Paul, you're probably owed a few dollars for all the babysitting Uncle Albert did on Derek's behalf.
In high school, Derek along with friends Andrew, Adam and Jeff, created something called "Full House". "Full House" was a DJing, party boy, dancing, bringing the house down, entertainment group. And bring the house down they did. Their performances at private parties and high school dances made them all local semi-celebrities. After high school, the guys went their separate ways but Derek's passion for the music carried on. He never wavered from writing his poems and music.
Recently, djdeewreck on behalf of Wreckless Beats.com, has done work for two alternative rock groups, Edgar Pond and The Kelsey Outrage. The Kelsey Outrage had opened for "The Knack" at one point in their career.
Today his Wreckless Beats.com website has been viewed thousands of times. Many of the hundreds of songs have been downloaded to all points of the globe. Many independent rap artists from around the world have contacted djdeewreck and have put their own spin on many of his compositions.
Derek's poems are published in "The Best Poems and Poets of 2003" and "America at the Millennium, The Best Poems and Poets of the 20th Century". Both books are published by and available through "The International Library of Poetry" (a.k.a. poetry.com). Derek: R. Gedney a.k.a. djdeewreck, a.k.a. Wreckless Beats.com has received Outstanding Achievement Awards for his talents and deservingly so. The little lion has grown and "believe it or not", he continues to roar.
Written by My Father,
David: R. Gedney

When Derek was 9 years old, the family moved from Bedford Hills to Mohegan Lake, New York. The following year the theme from The Greatest American Hero (Believe It or Not by Joey Scarbury) caught his attention. For those few moments that song became his theme song. However, there was a problem, Derek wondered "what's a sprayer?". The actual lyric, "wing and a prayer" became apparent eventually, but we still sing "wing and a sprayer" when we reminisce. I would secretly think, in Derek's case, "sprayer" meant "by the seat of his pants".